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On January 18, 2024, our company passed the re examination by the Safety and Environmental Protection Bureau

On December 21, 2023, the Zhangjiagang Safety and Environment Bureau conducted a major inspection of our company's safety production and issued a Safety Inspection Diagnosis Report on site. Our company's basic safety production situation is good, and during the inspection, we also found a small number of non conformities, mainly in the document management category with three non conformities, as well as some shortcomings in warning signs and electrical safety.

Our company implements special rectification, which is the responsibility of safety officer Xiao Lu and implemented by Gu Factory. After more than two weeks of rectification and implementation, our company passed the self inspection and re inspection. On January 18th, the Safety and Environmental Protection Bureau conducted a review of our company's rectification situation, and after on-site inspection one by one, it was confirmed that all measures had been fully implemented.

Our factory has arranged a fire drill in March, and the main person in charge of the company will participate and lead the drill. We will make another report at that time.

Our company conducts regular safety production self inspection and self inspection on a scheduled basis. The safety and environmental protection company will also conduct random inspections and retests on our company from time to time.
